Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week 39!

July 14th, 2014

Well this week has been great! Tuesday we had interviews and ZTM and then Sister johnson and i started a 40 day fast from distractions and worldly things so we are planning on expecting miracles and on seeing lots of the spirit in our lives. i am really loving it so far :) then on Saturday we got to go to the temple for a young man who just returned from less activity and is now going on a mission to Redlands California!!! I am so proud of him :) Sunday was great too and i found out that if i dont get transferred i get to sing "savior redeemer of my soul" on the 10th of August with violin and everything!!!! :) I am so excited for it! Also something new is that i am due for my yearly MRI and I get to go to Charleston because the only MRI machine that carries my specific type of MRI is in Charleston so that will be fun :) But it was a great week! we also started teaching our ward mission leaders daughters, Zoey and Jasmine, so please pray for them, especially Jasmine that she will be open and her heart will softe. Byron is good but he needs to figure out where his loyalties lie. he still is really attached to his old church..... grr but we'll get him soon! Kepp praying! i love you all!

Love, sister Dominique Sage Montoya

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