This week has just sped right by me. I truly do not know where the time has gone. I am doing just grand though, I suppose that is why the time has flown. They say it does that when you are having fun. :)
The biggest miracle I saw this week on Wednesday. that night we had a dinner appointment with a part member family that we are teaching the lessons to, and we were a little worried. I have not been able to keep food down for about a month, and I had been feeling really poorly after Zone meeting, but we felt like we needed to go to the appointment. When we got there, we just said a prayer together asking that I would be able to eat and that I would have strength to make it through the lesson. And, for the first time in a month, I ate a full plate of food, had color in my face, and was actually alive and active in the lesson. I was so happy! The weird thing was, as soon as we got in the car, I went pale again, my fever jumped, and it was as if I'd never had any kind of recovery at all..... It was so great! The Lord truly provides a way for his work to be accomplished!
Maybe not in the miraculous healing that we hope for, but if nothing else, He allowed us to do what He needed us to do. What more could any sister ask for? :)
But as for the sickness, we are definitely still trying to figure it out. I am working to find a family practitioner that I can see here and figure out why I am so sick and why it has been for so long. (Although I am pretty sure that it is ulcers.)
But ultimately, we have really just had a nice week. We have definitely had some fun times, and I feel like Sister Johnson is truly helping me see myself in a better light, and along with that the Lord is showing me who I really and truly am and what he wants me to accomplish.... hes given me a lot of answers I've been looking for, for a long time just in this week. But on a brighter note, we were both attacked by a twelve toed cat.... maybe not attacked, but it ran across my thigh and down Sister Johnson's ankle and scratched us.... thus solidifying my deep hatred for cats. Its name was Elsa. Her sister Anna laid down next to us and purred, but Elsa scratched was evil..... But basically that was all for the week.
Life is great. My companion is the best companion the world has ever known, my mission is bestest. And..... so yeah.... I LOVE being a missionary!
Love ya'll!!!!
~Sister Dominique Sage Montoya
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