June 23rd 2014
This week was good! monday we went to a Excommunicated members house for FHE she is awesome and is trying to return to be a member :) and OH MY GOODNESS we are having tacos SEVEN times in one week!!!! everyone just wanted to make us tacos haha :) so we had a wonderful lesson with Sister Chavez and Christie Smith. it was kind of a miracle actually because the original fellowshipper we had planned was busy so we went to sister Chavez as a back up temporary fellowshipper and she was EXACTLY what Christie needed!!! she ended up opening up to her more than she has any missionaries before!!! we have a lot of hope for her ;) Pray for Christie Smith! :) then after our lesson with her had had TACO SALAD at the relief society activity on Visiting Teaching. then Wednesday Sister Bell went to the dentists and it was Free just like mine was when i went!!!! that dentist is so awesome! :) and then we had a lesson and Dinner with Byron at the Roberts with them and Sister Barr as well! it was so awesome! :) it went so well and i really feel lik he is soooooo close to getting baptized!!!!! Please pray for him too to be able to know he needs to get BAPTIZED!!! :) then thursday we had a few lessons in the morning with Michelle Robinson and April Dewalt and then did weekly planning because we had Zone Conference Friday. but we also go to help Sister Archey with her baby shower as well thursday we helped her make games and make party favors. then friday was Zone Conference. I HAVE NEVER CRIED SO MUCH IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! president Holm is leaving and we are getting a new mission president in july and this was really like his farewell... i didnt realize how much i have looked up to Sister Holm and how much President Holm has helped me grow....Saturday we went to Batesburg and Saluda..... HOLY COW!!!! our area is so huge haha... they took us to eat at Shealy's Bar-b q and i guess the President at there its so good, (which it is!) its like an all southern, way better, golden Corral :) and we went to see a referral ad the house was destroyed!!!! like walls tore down and parts lying everywhere! so we went and knocked all the neighbors to see what happened and no one answered.... bummer.... but it was really cool because we had members with us the whole time and we made it an adventure then Sunday was church :) it was good til a poor kid in primary puked all over half the kids in there and they had to clear out that half of the church to clean it haha... but then we went to the Baby shower and i got to basically run all the games and then we taught them a lesson :) it was a great last week with Sister Bell :) i will miss her but i am excited for a new companion to get this area moving oh! and we're getting new maps this week!!!! yay!!!! :) love you all!!!! :)
~Sister Montoya