March 31st, 2014
Well Hello Everyone!! This week was really crazy!!! Monday we packed and i was finally over Kidney Stones, YAY! and then Tuesday we moved into our fantastic new trailer that is falling apart... we are making it work! haha :) andthen Friday we got a new Senior couple in the area! Yay! Elder and Sister Windward from Kaysville Utah!!!! :) (No Kyrsti they dont know you haha i asked) :) and we had the branch social that night which was super fun. we did lots of relay games. and then I dropped my camera in the toilet at the social..... I am very acciden prone and apparently so are my electronics. :P Then Saturday we went on a Hour and a half long exchange and both companionships where in our area and for you missionaries, or post missionaries out there you know how strange that is haha but it was fun and even in such a short amount of time I learned a lot :) Then We had the wonderful wonderful womens conference on Saturday!!!! I hope all you women got to see it and if you didnt then go onto and watch it, you men too!!!!! it was fabulous!!!!! :) and after that we got transfer calls and I am officially leaving cowpens on Wednesday and getting a new area and a new Companion. I am going to miss it here a lot but I feel that it is indeed my time to go. Then Sunday, my last Sunday here, we had testimony meeting because next week is General Conference (Oh and even when I move areas my mailing address will stay the same. The address i give out is the mission home address and they forward my mail to me wherever I am for my whole mission) :) Then sunday evening we made dinner for a wonderful Less Active and his awesome Non member wife and had lots of fun with them. and
also this week we saw a really wonderful, truly Christian Women who was Baptist, she had had some wonderful experiences with a Sister MIssionary from Honduras But as we talked to her she had a problem with our belief on "saved." she was dead set on once saved, always saved and said " Whats the point of a salvation you can fall out of?" and all though we didnt push the subject because we didnt want to get contentious, I KNOW with all my heart that if that was true, there would be NO POINT to mortality and no point in progression. I know that we need to eternally preogress so that we can become more like our Savior. That is what this life is for, thats why we need repentance. No Man or Moment can be our saving grace, only through repentance over the course of our lives can we become clean through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that he lives and I love him and all of you!
Love, SIster Dominique Montoya
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